Elizabeth “Liz” Nasaka’s life story shines brightly in the intricate fabric of existence, portraying strength, transformation, and perseverance. Hailing from Uganda and growing up in Kenya, Elizabeth’s journey embodies adaptability and the enduring strength of family ties. Her autobiography is not just a personal account but a wellspring of motivation, echoing universal themes of growth, identity, and purpose.

In recounting her life, Liz offers more than a mere life story; she presents a blueprint of resilience, a life philosophy intertwining personal development with communal betterment. Her narrative serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring strength of the human spirit to confront adversity, embrace change, and carve a path of meaningful influence.

I belong to the generation born in the late 80s, transitioning into the 90s, currently at the age of 34. Born on the 18th of August 1989, in the West End of Uganda, I fall under the zodiac sign of Leo. As one of the last to straddle the line between the 80s and 90s, I often feel like I transition between two eras.

My early years were spent in Uganda, but my family relocated to Kenya when I was young, settling in the mountainous region near Mount Kenya. My father found work on a farm run by Europeans engaged in agricultural production, leading to our relocation. All my schooling took place in Kenya, shaping much of my upbringing and experiences.

Growing up, I was a reserved child and as my parent’s last-born child and the only girl. I shared my formative years with my brother, forming the core of our small yet resilient family unit.

The move to Kenya was significant as it meant leaving behind our mother, who had departed for Germany, while my father sought better opportunities. With the rest of our family remaining in Uganda, the transition to Kenya marked a fresh start for us, forging a path of independence as we navigated a new environment together. My father’s words echoed the importance of survival and adaptation, emphasising the need to integrate into the local culture and community for a smoother transition. His guidance instilled in me the skills to adapt early on, a lesson I carry with me to this day.

Our move introduced us to a different tribe, culture, and way of life, presenting new challenges and opportunities for growth. In the absence of nannies, my father took on the role of caregiver, assuming responsibility for cooking, cleaning, and nurturing us as a single parent.

Overall, my upbringing was characterised by love, perseverance, adaptability, and the unwavering support of my family, laying the foundation for the person I am today.


I’ve been brought up by a single father, a man I deeply honour and cherish. Proudly, I consider myself a daddy’s girl. Growing up in the care of a single dad and alongside my brother, I found myself surrounded by a community of men and boys, shaping much of my early life experience. Despite the absence of a mother figure, our family unit was remarkably strong and cohesive.

My father imparted invaluable lessons to us, emphasising the importance of family bonds and open communication. In a new country and environment, we relied solely on each other, building a deep sense of unity and love. My dad was incredibly hands-on, engaging in every aspect of our upbringing. He cooked for us, shared stories, danced with us, and most importantly, prayed for us. Every fundamental aspect of our upbringing was carefully instilled within us by him.

Education held a special place in my father’s heart, and he made sure to emphasise its significance from an early age. He firmly believed that education was the gateway to achieving one’s dreams and aspirations. Despite our modest means, my dad ensured that we received the best in terms of values and life lessons, instilling in us a strong moral compass and a deep understanding of the world around us.

Our journey together spanned from primary school to high school and eventually to university, with my father guiding us every step of the way. However, when I was about to embark on my high school journey, around the age of 13 or 14, my dad remarried. This marked the first time we were introduced to a maternal figure in our lives. Given that my mother had relocated abroad when I was young, communication with her was limited to occasional postcards, as smartphones and instant messaging were not yet prevalent.

Overall, my upbringing under the guidance of my single father was filled with love, strength, and invaluable life lessons that continue to shape me into the person I am today.


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